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Who Can Join PremierCo-Op?
PremierCo-Op dispatch and transportation platform is open to ALL operators (all classes of services), included regulated and un-regulated services. However, in the case of regulated services, for example a taxi company, we review applications to ensure your are in good standing with your applicable regulator before approving your application to use our platform.
When joining PremierCO-Op Operators agree not only to there Terms of Service outlined during the registration process (YAWPa terms of service), but also our Dispatch Agreement include above for reference.
Can I join if I belong to another dispatch provider
Yes, PremierCo-Op is an Open Service Dispatch and transportation company. An Operator can join and use services automatically delivered over our platform without joining our service. However, to have access to our imbedded credit card facility for hailed transaction, you must either join PremierCo-Op Dispatch Services; or pay our service providers monthly fee to access the credit card processing facility for hailed jobs of $27.50 per month (all included).
How are fares calculated?
Rates for all taxi’s using the YAWPA app are aligned with the customary vehicle installed metered rates. Customers pay an admin fee to cover credit card fees and related expenses.
When does PremierCo-Op settle credit card transaction to Operators?
Credit & debit card transactions are settled to Operators twice weekly (Tuesday and Friday). However, to ensure card settlements from ALL card providers remain aligned by date, our settlement period is three days.